30 October 2007

Forthcoming events (cont'd)

Thanks to Ramia Mazé for passing on the following:

Extrainsatt föreläsning - Mejan Labs

Imorgon onsdag kommer Paula Gaetano (Argentina), Paul Granjon (Frankrike)
och Andy Gracie (Storbritannien) som deltar i utställningen Frankenstein's
Monster att berätta om sina arbeten. 

Tid: 31 oktober kl 18.00
Plats: Kungliga Konsthögskolans nya lokaler på Jakobsgatan 27C, våning 4
(IASPIS gamla lokaler i akademibyggnaden).

Vernissage på utställningen Frankenstein's Monster på Mejan Labs,
Akademigränd 3, torsdagen 1 november 17-20.00.

Se mer på www.mejanlabs.se

From Sara Ljungblad (an ex-colleague of mine)

Welcome to a seminar on my thesis draft "Experience centred Innovation" on the 5th of November, 13.00 at DSV in KIsta, Stockholm. Professor Jonas Löwgren will act as "opponent". I will start the seminar with a brief introduction (20 min), before Jonas Löwgren discusses the draft. After this, everyone will have a chance to provide helpful comments.

How can experiences be used as a resource for innovation in HCI (Human Computer Interaction)? This thesis presents the design philosophy "Experience Centred Innovation" which attempts to capture qualities of experiences and transfer these into innovative designs and forms of interaction for digital artefacts.  Innovation is approached in the design process by  matching "the design material" with qualities of experiences, studied in a human practice. The practice is referred to as a marginal practice, and is chosen to be relevant for the intended design outcome instead of representing potential users. This is different from a user-centred design process within HCI that focus on intended users as a basis for design. The research is design driven, and builds on several empirical design cases. Experience Centred Innovation contributes with (1) the concept or transferable qualities as a resource for innovation  (2) novel design outcomes, and (3) transfer scenarios  - design method for capturing and transferring qualities of experiences.

The thesis consist of several articles held together by an introduction (kappa). The "kappa" and six papers are found here:


If you want to come, but don't want to read the whole thing...  I would recommend reading the Kappa "Experience Centred Innovation" and Chapter 11 that describes the design method, or chapter 8 that describes how the Lomographic practice informed context photography.

17-19 December 2007: Emergent Objects: Performing Design
University of Leeds

Call for participants

Emergent Objects: Performing Design will comprise performative
events/installations, workshops and presentations and a
colloquium with academic and practitioner experts in the fields
of interaction design, experience design, product design,
fashion and clothing, robotics, digital and media art,
engineering, architecture and computing.


Call for Abstracts for a Special Issue of Children, Youth and

Children in Technological Environments: Interaction,
Development, and Design

Children are coming of age in increasingly sophisticated and
pervasive technological environments.  They're immersed, for
example, in video gaming, web browsing, and instant messaging.
Many have cell phones and laptop computers.  Their avatars
represent them in virtual spaces.  They care for digital pets in
a virtual world, and play with embodied robot pets, which move
autonomously through the physical world.  These technological
environments have come a long way, fast.  It's not just TV
anymore.  On the immediate horizon are responsive computational
devices that mimic a social other, such as navigational devices
in cars that speak with a human voice.  "Smart homes" of the
future will have interfaces that speak to us and respond to our
actions and conversation.  Humanoid robots may well become
nannies for our children, and their tutors and playmates, and -
if we're not careful - their slaves.  It seems likely, too, that
inequities will persist in children's access to technology.



International Symposium on Electronic Arts 2008

ISEA on Leonardo Electronic Almanac: http://leoalmanac.org/resources/sprojects/ISEA08/
ISEA website: http://isea2008.org/
Submission Link: http://isea2008.org/openconf/openconf.php

Dear friends

This is a gentle reminder that the submission deadline for ISEA2008 call for papers, artists and panel presentations will close on 14 Nov 2007.

International Symposium on Electronic Arts 2008 -ISEA2008 - is seeking both peer- reviewed individual papers and panel presentations. This year we are also encouraging artists who wish to share their works with a broader audience of their peers to submit artist presentations where they can speak about the specific aesthetic, conceptual and technological aspects of their works.

We welcome contributions from creative practitioners and researchers from a variety of disciplines and institutional contexts as media arts benefits from and exemplifies the interdisciplinary linkages between contemporary art, science, technology and their related philosophies, pedagogies and institutional practices. The submissions must address or be of relevance to at least one of the themes of ISEA2008 in order to be considered for inclusion in the conference.
The conference will be of interest to those working in but not limited to the following areas: media art, contemporary art, design, art history and theory, film and media studies, gaming, toy design, human-computer interaction, cultural studies, literary studies, musicology, sound studies, theatre, dance and performance studies, science, technology and society studies, history of science and history of technology, philosophy, history, gender studies, political science, anthropology, sociology and geography.

For more information on the themes and for the submission link, please log on www.isea2008.org

28 October 2007

Examined Life: Writing and the Art of Medicine

Examined Life: Writing and the Art of Medicine conference Wednesday, April 23 to Friday, April 25, 2008 at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine in Iowa City. I am writing to share the 2008 call for presentations. Potential presenters may submit up to two proposals here:


Proposals are due by Monday, December 3, 2007.
Keynote presenters confirmed to date are poet Marvin Bell, MFA and novelist Daniel Mason, MD. Registration, housing, and CME information will be posted soon.

Margaret LeMay-Lewis, MFA
Writing Program Coordinator
Office of Student Affairs and Curriculum
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
1193 MERF
Iowa City, IA 52242
319 335 8051

Telling Places: Narrative and Identity in Art and Architecture

Telling Places
Research Spaces IV, 4/5 December, 2007
Bartlett/Slade Annual PhD Conference
Woburn Studios, University College London, UK
The annual PhD research conference Research Spaces, has been running since 2004, affording post-graduates at the Bartlett School of Architecture, and the Slade School of Fine Art, the opportunity to examine research activities across disciplines. The event has continued to be a success, attracting contributions from the UK, Europe and North America, from practicing architects and artists, academics and research students.
The 2007 Research Spaces Conference – Telling Places: Narrative and Identity in Art and Architecture asks for contributions on new practices, theories and critiques of narrative and identity.
In a globalised context, conditioned by mass migrations of peoples – across national and ethnic boundaries, and from dispersed rural environments to dense urban centres –  the idea that art and architecture can convey stable representations and values has come undone. At the same time, practices of place making are no longer considered the domain of the professional, nor as an inherent/given act, but as an ongoing, repeated, negotiated and contested process.
If the ‘place’ of art and architecture is already filled, and by competing stories, what else is to be told? What new responsibilities does this telling imply?
Over two days, the Telling Places conference will consider place as a space loaded with ‘familiar’ significance, whether this be personal or collective. We are interested in the objects, the artifacts, the means, the processes that narrate the creation of such places, as well as those that challenge, question or negate such places.
A selection of full papers will be published in the new interdisciplinary design journal Multi: The Journal of Diversity and Plurality in Design
Papers are invited that respond to, challenge and extend the following questions:
1) Places that Tell:
How do buildings, artefacts, models, or stories, contribute to the formation of cultural identity?
To what extent can culturally and ethnically specific representations be considered political?
To what extent are the limits of such representations set by the work (the object, the site), or set by the audience?
How, and what, does the non-representational object, or building, narrate?
2) Meeting Places:
Has a new ‘narrative of place’, challenged the boundaries between art and architecture?
What are the implications, for the relationship between art and architecture, of such narratives?
3) Telling of Places:
If narrative cannot be treated as ‘neutral’, what is its role in the examination of the history of art and design?
To what extent, and in what ways, does the historian, or critic, contribute to the construction/production of place?
In what ways does narrative affect ownership of the work?
4) Hidden Places:
To what degree can the artist or designer reveal the process of production, in the work itself?
Can practice be considered an act of identification?
To what extent is practice an ‘uncovering’, ‘unmasking’, ‘revealing’, or a ‘making known’, that which had been ‘guessed’, ‘assumed’, ‘hidden’, or even ‘secret’?
What models, technologies, procedures, and dialogues have been developed to ‘reveal’, and how are these limited (do they ‘hide’ as well?)?
What are the aesthetics, and ethics, of the ‘disguised’ work?
Guidelines for submission of paper abstracts:

Deadline 22nd October, 2007 – all respondents will here from the organising committee by 29th October 2007.
Abstracts 500 words for
10 page papers (approximately 20 minute presentations)

Abstracts must include title, but no author

All Proposals to include a cover letter with:

1)    title
2)    name and address

3)    phone number
4)    email address

5)    college affiliation (if any)
info@tellingplaces.co.uk or ucftnbe@ucl.ac.uk
Telling Places
c/o Nick Beech
Wates House,

22 Gordon Street,
London WC1H 0QB
Telling Places regrets that it cannot contribute towards the cost of travel or accommodation, please state if you require any information regarding these matters.

26 October 2007

Pavilion Politics

Park Nights at the Serpentine together with Curating Architecture:

Pavilion Politics
Friday 2 November
7-9 pm
An evening discussion on the multiple and contradictory roles pavilions
play at the intersection of art and architecture. This event will
investigate the ways in which such temporary spaces orchestrate current
politics of value and event culture, experimentation, philanthropy and
institutional profiling.

Momoyo Kaijima (architect, Atelier Bow Wow)
Nikolaus Hirsch (architect, European Kunsthalle, unitednationsplaza)
Celine Condorelli (architect, Support Structure)

Andrea Phillips (Director, Curating Architecture, Goldsmiths)


22 October 2007


Välkommen till höstens åttonde seminarium i serien KOMMUNIKATION: KULTUR,

Temat för HT 2007 är "Kulturteknologier och teknikkulturer"

Tid: Torsdag 25 oktober 2007, kl. 12-14 (Obs tiden!)
Plats: Torget, Lindstedtsvägen 5, plan 6, Skolan för datavetenskap och
kommunikation, KTH


Föredragshållare: Hans Ruin (Filosofi, Södertörns högskola)


Skriv ett mail om du vill få våra löpande inbjudningar.
Mer information om höstens seminarier finns på:

Footprint: a new academic journal published by the Delft School of Design

Footprint is a new academic journal published by the Delft School of Design presenting research regarding architecture and the urban. Architecture and urbanism are the points of departure and the core interests of the journal. From this perspective, the journal encourages the study of architecture and the urban environment as a means of comprehending culture and society, and as a tool for relating them to shifting ideological doctrines and philosophical ideas. The journal promotes the creation and development – or revision - of conceptual frameworks and methods of inquiry. It is engaged in creating a body of critical and reflexive texts with a breadth and depth of thought which would enrich the architecture discipline and produce new knowledge, conceptual methodologies and original understandings.

The inaugural issue of Footprint aims at understanding today’s architecture culture as a negotiation between two antithetical definitions of architecture’s identity. The belief in the disciplinary singularity of architectural objects, irreducible to the conditions of their production, is confronted - in discourse and design - with the perception of architecture as an interdisciplinary mediation between multiple political, economic, social, technological and cultural factors. With the concept of trans-disciplinarity, the negotiation between these two positions is investigated here as an engine of the ‘tradition of the present’ of contemporary architecture - the discourses and designs which emerged in the 1960s and defined orientation points for today’s architectural thought and practice. The issue includes articles by Wouter Davidts, K. Michael Hays, Patrick Healy, Mark Jarzombek, Ákos Moravánszky and Jean-Louis Violeau.

Footprint offers online free PDF downloads [pending –free- registration] or the purchase of hard-copies. It is also a submission-based journal, so please check regularly our calls for papers. For downloading PDFs, for purchasing hard-copies and for calls for papers, please see our website www.footprintjournal.org

18 October 2007

Autumn research activities/KTH and elsewhere

Temat för HT 2007 är "Kulturteknologier och teknikkulturer"
Tid: torsdagen den 18 oktober 2007, kl. 14-16
Plats: Torget, Lindstedtsvägen 5, plan 6, Skolan för datavetenskap och kommunikation, KTH
Föredragshållare: Pelle Snickars (Statens ljud- och bildarkiv)

Abstract: Det har hävdats att den mediearkivariska rörelsen från analogt till digitalt fundamentalt kommer att förändra förståelsen av "arkivet", det vill säga den instans som reglerar vad samhället väljer att minnas. I det digitala arkivet är bevarande inte längre en självklar arkivarisk grundprincip, lika gärna kan man tala om överföring som en metafor för arkivverksamheten. Därtill håller skillnaderna mellan de olika medieformerna på att försvinna; begreppet mediespecificitet börjar bli musealt. På webben är alla medier grå, eller rättare sagt, på webben finns vid närmare betraktande inga medier alls, bara filer med matematiskt kodad information. I takt med att 1900-talets specifika medieformer konvergerar ersätts de av yteffekter av algoritmer, det vill säga av olika slags programmerat innehåll bestående av text, ljud och (rörlig) bild. I allt detta befinner sig ett antal kulturarvsinstitutioner som varken vet ut eller in. Om detta, det nya digitala kulturarvet, och den konvergerande ABM-sektorn handlar Pelle Snickars föredrag.
ESRC Research Seminary on Friday 19th October 2007. RETHINKING THE URBAN EXPERIENCE: the sensory production of place Seminar Three: SENSES AND INFRASTRUCTURE The Smells, Sights, Sounds, Textures and Tastes of Socio- Technical Transitions: An Exploratory Workshop. The third seminar in the series focuses on the relations between senses and the socio-technical infrastructure of everyday life. What if we re-designed infrastructure for all of our senses? Given the pressure to develop systemic transitions in the social and technical organisation of energy, water, waste, and transport infrastructures in response to climate change and resource constraint there is a need to raise the "visibility" of networks to users. Suppose for a moment that taste, sound, touch, and odour were treated as the equals of sight. What would our infrastructure be like if sensory response, sentiment, and memory were critical design factors, the equals of structure and function? There are still a number of places available for the third seminar 'Senses and Infrastructure' in the ESRC funded research seminar series 'Rethinking the urban experience: the sensory production of place'. Further details can be found at http://www.sensescapes.co.uk/ or download a booking form http://www.surf.salford.ac.uk/documents/SenseCity/Booking_Form_Sense.pdf
Tidskriften i&m och Mångkulturellt centrum inbjuder till ett heldagsseminarium: MITT HEM MIN BORG, seminarium 24 oktober kl 9.00-16.00 på Fittja gård, En dag om boende, stadsplanering och delaktighet. Miljonprogrammens nödvändiga upprustning öppnar möjligheter - tar vi dem tillvara? Hur långt bär stadsplanerares och arkitekters visioner och erfarenheter och är de boende delaktiga på allvar? Handlar det bara om förorterna eller behövs det en helt ny syn på staden som helhet? Arkitekter, forskare, samhällsplanerare och politiker diskuterar de möjligheter som miljonprogrammens nödvändiga upprustning ger. Utgångspunkten är bland annat erfarenheter från storstadsarbete och områdesutveckling landet runt. Seminariet tar upp såväl teori som praktik och för debatten vidare. Anmälan senast den 19 oktober på www.iochm.com eller på www.mkc.botkyrka.se eller per telefon på 08-531 757 60.
ARCHITECTURE & DOCUMENTARY PRACTICE: WRITING, IMAGING AND PERFORMANCE. Tuesday, 27th November 2007, 10-6 PM, the Bartlett School of Architecture, RSVP to: Architectural.Research@ucl.ac.uk ARCHITECTURE &: is a termly interdisciplinary seminar initierad by Prof. Jane Rendell providing opportunities for researchers within the Bartlett School of Architecture to initiate reseach conversations at various interdisciplinary crossings. In the third of the series we bring together editors, architects, artists and theorists of architecture and performance studies to discuss current issues in the field of documentary practice.

The Arts Catalyst, the British Library and the Open University present POLAR: FIELDWORK & ARCHIVE FEVER. An interdisciplinary symposium on Monday 19 & Tuesday 20 November 2007, British Library Conference Centre, St Pancras, 96 Euston Road, London NW1. To register contact Kathryn Yusoff, Open University K.Yusoff@exeter.ac.uk. POLAR: FIELDWORK AND ARCHIVE FEVER is an interdisciplinary symposium focusing on the curation and production of climate change knowledge in the polar regions. It brings together scientists, writers, artists, historians and social scientists with interests in knowledge about the polar landscape and its broader implications for global climate and society. Polar regions are both exceptional to and considered representative of the developments in global climate change and climate change science. Given the important claims and policy decisions based on the polar archive, it is timely to consider the way in which our knowledge of this archive has been produced. Historically, control of polar archives and landscapes has gone hand in hand. Recent work suggests that this archive and the landscapes represented therein could be structured and interpreted in alternative ways. This might give rise to alternative visions and uses of polar landscapes and their connection to a wider global picture. The symposium is organised by the Open University in association with the British Library and The Arts Catalyst with international partners as part of a wider multi-disciplinary project exploring cultural and scientific issues surrounding climate change in the context of the International Polar Year (2007-08). Symposium web-site: http://www.artscatalyst.org/polararchives.html
ARCHITECTURAL COMPETITION NORDIC SYMPOSIUM in Stockholm October 16-17, 2008 CALL FOR PAPERS. Throughout the history, design competition has been deployed as a reliable and acquiescent system for assuring quality and as an efficient instrument for evaluation of the best design solutions. Nordic countries are enjoying over hundred years of tradition in organizing architectural competition for selection of the best design practices. Every year, about 100 architectural and urban design competitions take place in the Nordic countries. The competition system is a recognized endeavour in the Nordic countries to elevating qualities and minimizing uncertainties in architectural design. It is also used to give partaking opportunity to talented architects to express their visions, to demonstrate their professional skills and to be rewarded, admired and endorsed publicly. Competing in architecture has also gained new relevance in Europe through the EU's Directive 2004/18/EG. Nowadays, the competition appears as a means to acquire new ideas and good design solutions for the whole of Europe. Architectural competition is also becoming a promoting method of architectural services in European market. According to the EU Directive of 2004/18/EG, public organizers of competitions are obliged to announce their competitions in public. Structure: The Symposium will be held in Stockholm. It is organized in cooperation between NoEND, NA (Nordic Association of Architectural Research) and the architect unions in the Nordic Countries. Abstracts and Themes: You are welcome to submit your Abstract before December 1, 2007. Abstracts can be written in English, Danish, Norwegian or Swedish with maximum 400 words. The workshops cover the whole architect¬ural competition process; from programme, evaluation, selection, and ranking of the entries up to the appointment of the winner. For further information and early registration, please contact the Organizing Secretariat. Papers and Abstracts can be sent via e-mail attachment to Ms. Charlotte Svensson: charlottes@arch.kth.se
INSTITUTIONAL TRANSFORMATIONS OF SUFFERING - An international conference in Stockholm 8-11 november. A meeting between scholars and practitioners around the idea of social suffering and its institutional transformations. The Humanities and the Social sciences have a long tradition of dealing with human suffering, trying to understand how subjective experiences of individuals and collectives are connected with social conditions which cause or aggravate suffering. The aim of this conference is to deepen our understanding of social suffering by focusing on attitudes to suffering within different institutions and professional practices, such as medical care, psychiatry, migration politics and legal system. Keynote speakers: Professor Jeanne Gaaker, Dept of Law, Erasmus University, Professor Arthur Kleinman, Dept. of Social Anthropology, Harvard University and Professor Iain Wilkinson, School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, University of Kent at Canterbury. Participation in the conference is free. If you are interested, please mail before 27/10: jakob.nilsson@mail.film.su.se Further information about the conference including preliminary programme is availaible on the conference website: www.nada.kth.se/media/Research/Transformations_of_suffering
The Swedish Colour Centre Foundation invites you to the AIC 2008 Interim Meeting on COLOUR - EFFECTS & AFFECTS to be held at Hasselbacken, Stockholm, Sweden on June 15-18, 2008. The conference will cover a wide range of topics related to the effects of using colour in interior and exterior design and how colours affect us. The meeting will bring together experts from all over the world to exchange the latest information on the developments in colour science, colour design, and colour psychology. The conference will cover a wide range of topics related to the theme COLOUR - EFFECTS & AFFECTS. Different aspects of the effect of using colour in interior and exterior design like change of colour impressions depending on distance, light sources, colour combinations and interaction of colours etc. Different aspects of how colours affect us like colour psychology, colour meaning, colour associations, and colour emotions. CALL FOR PAPERS: Abstracts should be submitted via the online form on the web site www.aic2008.org or by e-mail info@aic2008.org at a maximum of two A4-sized pages and a minimum of 500 words. Deadline for submission of abstract: November 1, 2007
SENSORY URBANISM An Interdisciplinary Two Day Conference: Departments of Architecture & Building Science / DMEM, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow on Tuesday 8th - Wednesday 9th January 2008 CALL FOR PAPERS We invite scholars and practitioners to submit papers for the SENSORY URBANISM, organised by the Multimodal Representation of Urban Space research group, a Design for the 21st Century initiative supported by the AHRC and EPSRC. Submitted papers will be reviewed by a committee comprising the research group and advisory board. Representing space is not only a long-standing challenge to the arts but is also a major task in the planning process for buildings, cities, and many other products. This particularly applies to the "Urban Renaissance" of our days with its emphasis on public places. Space - more than the surrounding objects or buildings - seems to demand to be represented not only visually, as it is not only determined by the visible surrounding objects, but also by sound and smell which are literally "in the air", and by an integrated multi-modal body experience which is related to the space itself. Nevertheless, spaces, especially urban spaces in planning processes, are today usually only represented in a visual manner. CALL FOR PAPERS: Abstracts should be no more than 300 words, and accompanied by a brief biography ofthe author(s). Abstracts should be sent by e-mail to Raymond Lucas no later than Friday 16th November 2007. For further information, please contact: raymond.lucas@strath.ac.uk
DESCRIPTIO URBIS i Rom 27-29 mars 2008. Konferensen hoppas på att få fler nordiska forskare med på sessionen Models for a Contemporary City Atlas in the Nordic context eller på någon annan del i konferensen. Abstract senast den 20 november. För vidare information se:
ARCHITECTURAL INQUIRIES. THEORIES, METHODS AND STRATEGIES IN CONTEMPORARY NORDIC ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH /Teorier, metoder och strategier i nutida nordisk arkitekturforskning/ NORDIC-BALTIC CONFERENCE April 24-26, 2008, in Göteborg, Sweden, arranged by The Nordic Association of Architectural Research, The Nordic Architectural Academy, The Swedish Research Council Formas, The Association of Swedish Architects and Chalmers Architecture. Architectural research, including landscape architecture, urban design & development and interior architecture, is an expanding field with high relevance for urgent issues in contemporary society and environment. At the same time it is fragmented into small research units and often transgresses conventional categorization for funding, which can be problematic. New design-based investigation methods merge with influences from other research areas and demonstrate large potentials but have difficulties to obtain scientific legitimacy. We invite Nordic and Baltic architectural researchers and PhD-students to discuss theories, methods and strategies in contemporary architectural research through the six interconnecting themes listed below. Conference language will be English as well as Nordic languages. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS, maximum 300 words, on the following themes: 1. Lack of theory or new theoretical frameworks 2. History and historiography: Is there a Nordic architectural research? 3. Practice relevance versus peer-review publications 4. Integrating design-based methodology 5. New technologies: impact on research problems and methodology 6. Urban research between social sciences and design. Deadline for abstracts: 10 December 2007.Conference e-mail: a-inquiries@chalmers.se Conference website: in progress. Links: www.arkitekturforskning.net or www.chalmers.se/arch/SV Questions: dyrssen@chalmers.se, caldenby@chalmers.se, fredrik@chalmers.se, lena@arch.kth.se Arranged by: Department of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Göteborg

FUTURE ANTERIOR is a peer reviewed (refereed) journal published by the UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS. It approaches the field of historic preservation from a position of critical inquiry. A comparatively recent field of professional study, preservation often escapes direct academic challenges of its motives, goals, forms of practice and results. CALL FOR PAPERS: FUTURE ANTERIOR seeks contributions that ask these difficult questions from philosophical, theoretical, and practical perspectives. We welcome articles on all topics relevant to historic preservation. Submissions for the Winter 2008 issue must be received no later than January 7, 2008. Articles should be no more than 5000 words, with up to seven illustrations. Text must be formatted in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th Edition. All articles must be submitted in English, and spelling should follow American convention. All submissions must be submitted electronically, on a CD or disk, accompanied by three hard copies of text and images. Text should be saved as Microsoft Word or RTF format, while accompanying images should be sent as TIFF files with a resolution of at least 300 dpi at 8by 9print size. Figures should be numbered clearly in the text. Image captions and credits must be included with submissions. It is the responsibility of the author to secure permissions for image use and pay any reproduction fees. A brief author biography (around 100 words) must accompany the text. FUTURE ANTERIOR also welcomes shorter articles of less than 2500 words and five illustrations for publication outside of the peer review process. The same submission requirements apply to these articles. Acceptance or rejection of submissions is at the discretion of the editors. Please do not send original materials, as submissions will not be returned. Please mail all submissions to: FUTURE ANTERIOR, 400 Avery Hall, Graduate Program in Historic Preservation, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027. Questions about submissions can be mailed to: futureanterior@columbia.edu

Under läsåret planeras den obligatoriska kursen ARKITEKTURENS BEGREPP OCH TEORIER, 7,5 högskolepoäng, under förutsättning att det finns tillräckligt många doktorander för att skapa en seminariegrupp. Kursen består av orienteringar och nedslag i arkitekturens teorihistoria ur aktuella, tematiska och begreppsliga perspektiv. Den är obligatorisk för doktorander i arkitektur och arkitekturhistoria. Kursen omfattar ca tio seminarier, med ett inledande seminarium som åtföljs av ytterligare seminarier under hösten 07 och våren 08. Vid dessa diskuteras en eller flera gemensamt lästa texter. Dessutom ingår för varje deltagare en särskild redovisningsuppgift. Kursen ges av professor Johan Mårtelius, Arkitekturhistoria. Doktorander från arkitekturskolorna vid Chalmers och LTH samt från konstvetenskap och ev. angränsande ämnen är välkomna. Kontakta eller sänd en intresseanmälan till Lena Villner: 08-790 9167, lena@arch.kth.se Se medföljande PDF!
KURS I FORSKNINGSMETODIK: Tanken är att kursen ska gå att läsa på distans. Den kommer innehålla introducerande moment i de olika forskningsmetodologiska traditioner som arkitekturforskningen lutar sig mot, samt ett individuellt fördjupningsarbete som redovisas i form av ett paper. Tanken är att detta paper ska jobbas fram för det symposium som Nordisk Arkitekturforskning anordnar i Göteborg den 24-27 april 2008. Undervisningsformen är en blandning av föreläsningar med workshop och seminariediskussion. Omfattningen är 7,5 högskolepoäng (dvs 5 'gamla' poäng)
Förslag på upplägg och datum:
- Kursstart 1 november 10-17 Vetenskaplig publiceringspraxis abstract, konferenspaper, artikel, sammanläggningsavhandling. Informationssökning/arkivbesök.(KG)
- Workshop kring abstract inför NA-symposium 29 November (inte KG!)
- Vecka 10 heldagsseminarium/workshop onsdag, torsdag (5-6mars)
- Vecka 11 heldagsseminarium/workshop onsdag, torsdag (12-13 mars)
- Vecka 12-13 egen skrivtid strukturerad handledning per distans eller genom gruppmöten med handledare och doktorandkolleger.
- Vecka 15 heldagsseminarium/workshop onsdag, torsdag presentation och genomgång av papers (9-10 april)
Kontakta eller sänd en intresseanmälan till Katja Grillner: 08-790 8769, katja@arch.kth.se Se medföljande PDF!

Föreläsningarna är öppna för alla intresserade förutom de övriga sökande till respektive utlysning (även de som inte kallats till provföreläsning). Information: brodersen@arch.kth.se
Tid: 22 oktober kl 8.00-10.40
Plats: Sal A5
Ämne: Om gestaltningsprocessen
Föredragshållare: kl 8.00 Ulrika Karlsson, kl 8.40 Tor Lindstrand, kl 9.20 Camilla Schlyter, kl 10.00 Anders Wilhelmson

Tid: 24 oktober kl 15.00-17.00
Plats: Sal A5
Ämne: On advanced architectural design
Föredragshållare: (turordning ej fastställd) Anders Wilhelmson, Johan Celsing, Helena Paver Njiric

Konstakademien utlyser följande stipendium: HJALMAR WICANDERS FOND sökes senast den 31 oktober. För "främjande av de bildande konsterna genom direkt beställning av eller genom bidrag till åstadkommande av verk av monumental eller dekorativ art i samband med någon staten icke tillhörande offentlig byggnad eller anläggning". För mer information se www.konstakademien.se
STOCKHOLMS BYGGNADSFÖRENINGS STIFTELSE FÖR DOKTORANDSTIPENDIET skall inges till Stockholms Byggnadsförening senast 31 december. Föreningens kansli tillhandahåller ansökningsblanketter. Stiftelsen är bildad 1989 genom medel som tillskjutits av Stockholms Byggnadsförening och enskilda medlemmar. Ändamål: Stiftelsen skall ekonomiskt understödja forskning och utbildning som till allmänt gagn främjar utvecklingen inom byggnadsbranschen. Stipendier som utdelas ur stiftelsen skall bereda forskare - doktorander - vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH), och då i första hand vid sektionerna S(Samhällsbyggnads), A(Arkitektur) möjlighet att under åtminstone ett halvt år bedriva forskning och studier vid annan europeisk högskola eller universitet. Ansökan skall åtföljas av uppgifter om sökandens namn, ålder och adress, nuvarande forskningsverksamhet och redogörelse med tidplan och budget för ändamålet med stipendiet ävensom eventuella referenser. Stipendiat skall vara medborgare i något av den ordiska länderna. För mer information se www.sthbyggnadsforening.se/stipendier/doktorand.html
SVENSKA INSTITUTET I ROM-STIPENDIET är avsett för arkitekt som utexaminerats från teknisk högskola (eller med motsvarande kvalifikationer) och ämnar bedriva arkitektstudier i Rom. Studierna i Rom kan inriktas på arkitekturhistorisk, konstvetenskaplig eller restaurerings¬teknisk fördjupning, men också gälla aktuella byggnadsfrågor och miljöstudier. Vid utseende av stipendiat tillmäts särskild betydelse dels vilken relevans ett stipendium vid institutet har för den sökandes studier eller forskning, dels graden av relevanta förkunskaper. Stipendiebeloppet är på 70.000 kr för 6-8 månaders vistelse i Rom och ökas med 1000 kr för varje ytterligare vecka upp till högst 75.000 kr. Stipendiaten får under vistelsen i Rom disponera bostad på Institutet. Ansökan ställs till Institutets kontor i Stockholm, och skall vara inkommen i mitten av januari. Till ansökan skall bifogas styrkta kopior av merithandlingar, detaljerad forsknings- eller studieplan för stipendietiden, färdigställda delar av avhandling (ej arkitekt) och i förekommande fall intyg från handledaren. För mer information se www.isvroma.org/svenska/stipendier.html

5 filmvisningar under hösten kommer att visas i Nedre Ateljén. Visningarna är en del av undervisningen i ÅK 3 men samtidigt öppet för hela skolan.
* Brazil av Terry Gilliam (The final cut), (1985)
Tid: 17:00 onsdag 2007-10-24
* Blade Runner av Ridley Scott (directors cut) (1991)
Tid: 17:00 torsdag 2007-11-01
* The Fifth element av Luc Besson (1997)
Tid: 17:00 fredag 2007-11-09